by eatlocal002 | 11月 19, 2016 | Featured
Many people would agree that Tokyo is one of the safest cities in the world to be out and about past Cinderella’s bedtime. Public transports may not be operating 24/7, but there is still so much to do before the last train departs. So what if you feel hungry after...
by Isao deura | 11月 8, 2016 | Cities and Towns
When I was in the second grade of elementary school one day I observed a big black and old fashioned gate suddenly appeared on the left side of the main entrance of Tokyo National Museum.At that time the gate did not interest me so much although I was a little...
by eatlocal002 | 11月 2, 2016 | Sweets
Ever been treated to a full-course Japanese dinner at a posh restaurant, only to be mildly disappointed at the end by being served melon as dessert? Where’s the pudding, where’s the famous WAGASHI, or Japanese sweets, you think. Well, that was my thought after my...
by eatlocal002 | 11月 2, 2016 | Japanese food
If you have ever traveled through Japan using a public transportation system, you know how remarkable our system is. It is clean, fast, comfortable and most of all, punctual. When you travel by car, you have the freedom to stop anytime you wish to rest or to eat...